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Delaware Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Apr 28, 2020
Last Entry Filed
Apr 28, 2020

Docket Entries by Quarter

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Apr 17, 2020 86 Transcript regarding Hearing Held 4/14/20 RE: First Days. Remote electronic access to the transcript is restricted until 7/16/2020. The transcript may be viewed at the Bankruptcy Court Clerk's Office. For information about how to obtain a transcript, call the Clerk's Office or Contact the Court Reporter/Transcriber, eScribers, at Telephone number 973.406.2250. Filed by EScribers, LLC . Notice of Intent to Request Redaction Deadline Due By 4/24/2020. Redaction Request Due By 5/8/2020. Redacted Transcript Submission Due By 5/18/2020. Transcript access will be restricted through 7/16/2020. (DMC) (Entered: 04/17/2020)
Apr 17, 2020 87 Notice of Appearance. Filed by California Physicians' Service dba Blue Shield of California. (Austria, Matthew) (Entered: 04/17/2020)
Apr 17, 2020 Attorney Michael B. Reynolds and Matthew P. Austria for California Physicians' Service dba Blue Shield of California, Andrew Still and Matthew P. Austria for California Physicians' Service dba Blue Shield of California added to case Filed by California Physicians' Service dba Blue Shield of California. (Austria, Matthew) (Entered: 04/17/2020)
Apr 17, 2020 88 Certificate of Service re 1) Amended Notice of Agenda for Telephonic Hearing on First Day Motions Scheduled for April 14, 2020 at 12:30 p.m. (Prevailing Eastern Time), Before the Honorable Christopher S. Sontchi Bankruptcy Judge, at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, Located at 824 North Market Street, 5th Floor, Courtroom No. 6, Wilmington, Delaware 19801; and 2) Notice of Hearing on Debtors' Application Pursuant to Sections 327(a) and 328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules 2014 and 2016, and Local Rules 2014-1, 2016-1 and 2016-2, for Entry of an Order (A) Authorizing the Employment and Retention of Imperial Capital, LLC as Investment Banker and Financial Advisor to the Debtors Effective as of the Petition Date, and (B) Waiving Information Requirements of Local Rule 2016-2(d) (related document(s)45, 60) Filed by Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC. (Kass, Albert) (Entered: 04/17/2020)
Apr 17, 2020 89 Supplemental Certificate of Service re 1) Debtors' Motion Seeking Entry of Orders (I)(A) Approving Bidding Procedures, (B) Scheduling an Auction and Sale Hearing, (C) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, (D) Establishing Procedures for the Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Contracts and Leases, (II)(A) Approving Asset Purchase Agreement Among the Debtors and the Purchaser, (B) Approving Sale of Substantially All Assets Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105, 363(b), (f) and (m), (C) Approving Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Certain Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 365, and (D) Determining the Amounts Necessary to Cure Such Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, and (III) Granting Related Relief; and 2) Motion to Shorten Notice and Request for Hearing with Respect to Debtors' Motion Seeking Entry of Orders (I)(A) Approving Bidding Procedures, (B) Scheduling an Auction and Sale Hearing, (C) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, (D) Establishing Procedures for the Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Contracts and Leases, (II)(A) Approving Asset Purchase Agreement Among the Debtors and the Purchaser, (B) Approving Sale of Substantially All Assets Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105, 363(b), (f) And (m), (C) Approving Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Certain Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 365, and (D) Determining the Amounts Necessary to Cure Such Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, and (III) Granting Related Relief (related document(s)27, 28, 42) Filed by Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC. (Kass, Albert) (Entered: 04/17/2020)
Apr 20, 2020 90 Notice of Appearance. Filed by BK of Destin, Inc.. (Lemisch, Raymond) (Entered: 04/20/2020)
Apr 20, 2020 91 Certificate of Service re Notice of Hearing Regarding Debtors' Motion Seeking Entry of Orders (I)(A) Approving Bidding Procedures, (B) Scheduling an Auction and Sale Hearing, (C) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, (D) Establishing Procedures for the Assumption and Assignment of Contracts and Leases, (II)(A) Approving Asset Purchase Agreement Among the Debtors and the Purchaser, (B) Approving Sale of Substantially All Assets Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105, 363(b), (f) and (m), (C) Approving Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Certain Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 365, and (D) Determining the Amounts Necessary to Cure Such Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, and (III) Granting Related Relief (related document(s)62) Filed by Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC. (Kass, Albert) (Entered: 04/20/2020)
Apr 21, 2020 92 Motion to Appear pro hac vice for Philip A. Bates, Esq.. Receipt Number 2903871, Filed by BK of Destin, Inc.. (Lemisch, Raymond) (Entered: 04/21/2020)
Apr 21, 2020 93 Order Approving Motion for Admission pro hac vice Philip A. Bates (Related Doc # 92) Order Signed on 4/21/2020. (CAS) (Entered: 04/21/2020)
Apr 22, 2020 94 Agenda of Matters Scheduled for Telephonic Hearing Filed by TZEW Holdco LLC. Hearing scheduled for 4/24/2020 at 01:00 PM at US Bankruptcy Court, 824 Market St., 5th Fl., Courtroom #6, Wilmington, Delaware. (Cairns, Timothy) (Entered: 04/22/2020)
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Apr 24, 2020 105 Motion to Appear pro hac vice of Eric R. Wilson. Receipt Number 2846931, Filed by The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. (Barsalona II, Joseph) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 106 Motion to Appear pro hac vice of Lauren S. Schlussel. Receipt Number 2846931, Filed by The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. (Haga, Taylor) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 107 Motion to Appear pro hac vice of Kayci G. Hines. Receipt Number 2906957, Filed by The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors. (Haga, Taylor) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 108 Order Approving Motion for Admission pro hac vice Eric R. Wilson(Related Doc # 105) Order Signed on 4/24/2020. (CAS) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 109 Order Approving Motion for Admission pro hac vice Jason R. Adams(Related Doc # 104) Order Signed on 4/24/2020. (CAS) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 110 Order Approving Motion for Admission pro hac vice Lauren S. Schlussel(Related Doc # 106) Order Signed on 4/24/2020. (CAS) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 111 Order Approving Motion for Admission pro hac vice Kayci G. Hines(Related Doc # 107) Order Signed on 4/24/2020. (CAS) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 24, 2020 112 Certification of Counsel Submitting Revised Order (A) Approving Bidding Procedures, (B) Scheduling an Auction and a Sale Hearing, (C) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, (D) Establishing Notice and Procedures for the Assumption Assignment and Sale of Contracts and Leases, and (E) Granting Related Relief (related document(s)27) Filed by TZEW Holdco LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Proposed Order # 2 Exhibit B - Blackline) (Cairns, Timothy) (Entered: 04/24/2020)
Apr 25, 2020 113 Certificate of Service re 1) Notice of Telephonic Section 341 Meeting; and 2) Notice of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case (related document(s)65, 66) Filed by Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC. (Kass, Albert) (Entered: 04/25/2020)
Apr 25, 2020 114 Supplemental Certificate of Service re 1) Debtors' Motion Seeking Entry of Orders (I)(A) Approving Bidding Procedures, (B) Scheduling an Auction and Sale Hearing, (C) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, (D) Establishing Procedures for the Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Contracts and Leases, (II)(A) Approving Asset Purchase Agreement Among the Debtors and the Purchaser, (B) Approving Sale of Substantially All Assets Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105, 363(b), (f) And (m), (C) Approving Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Certain Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 365, and (D) Determining the Amounts Necessary to Cure Such Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, and (III) Granting Related Relief; and 2) Notice of Hearing Regarding Debtors' Motion Seeking Entry of Orders (I)(A) Approving Bidding Procedures, (B) Scheduling an Auction and Sale Hearing, (C) Approving the Form and Manner of Notice Thereof, (D) Establishing Procedures for the Assumption and Assignment of Contracts and Leases, (II)(A) Approving Asset Purchase Agreement Among the Debtors and the Purchaser, (B) Approving Sale of Substantially All Assets Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 105, 363(b), (f) and (m), (C) Approving Assumption, Assignment and Sale of Certain Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Other Interests Pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Sections 363 and 365, and (D) Determining the Amounts Necessary to Cure Such Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, and (III) Granting Related Relief (related document(s)27, 42, 62, 91) Filed by Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC. (Kass, Albert) (Entered: 04/25/2020)

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Case Information

Delaware Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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John T. Dorsey
Apr 8, 2020
Jul 21, 2024
Last checked
May 4, 2020


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Apex Parks Group, LLC
Julie C. Lim, Esq.
Michael P. Fritz, Esq.



18575 Jamboree Road
Suite 600
Irvine, CA 92612
Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx0252

Represented By

Timothy P. Cairns
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 N. Market St., 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-652-4400
Email: tcairns@pszjlaw.com
Timothy P. Cairns
Pachulski Stang Young & Jones LLP
919 N. Market Street
17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-652-4400
Email: tcairns@pszjlaw.com
Laura Davis Jones
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 N. Market Street, 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
302 652-4100
Fax : 302-652-4400
Email: ljones@pszjlaw.com
Laura Davis Jones
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 North Market Street, 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-652-4400
Email: ljones@pszjlaw.com
Maxim B. Litvak
c/o Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
150 California Street
15th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Email: mlitvak@pszjlaw.com

U.S. Trustee

U.S. Trustee
Office of the United States Trustee
J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building
844 King Street, Suite 2207
Lockbox 35
Wilmington, DE 19801

Represented By

Linda Richenderfer
Office of the US Trustee
US Trustee's Office
844 King Street, Suite 2207
Wilmington, DE 19801
Email: Linda.Richenderfer@usdoj.gov

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