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AGF Machinery, LLC

Alabama Middle Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Feb 25, 2021
Last Entry Filed
Feb 24, 2021

Docket Entries by Quarter

There are 302 older docket entries.

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Dec 21, 2020 301 BNC Certificate of Service - See Image Attached - (RE: related document(s)296 Order on Motion to Surrender/Turnover). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 12/20/2020. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/21/2020)
Dec 21, 2020 302 BNC Certificate of Service - See Image Attached - (RE: related document(s)297 Order on Motion For Relief From Stay). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date 12/20/2020. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/21/2020)
Dec 23, 2020 303 Withdrawal of Claim # 50 (FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY, LLC) filed by FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY LLC. (Rucker, Pamela) (Entered: 12/23/2020)
Jan 6, 2021 304 Final Order Granting Debtor's Emergency Motion for Entry of Interim and Final Orders Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral and Granting Replacement Liens Pursuant to Sections 105(a), 361, 363, 541 And 552 of The Bankruptcy Code and Rule 4001 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure Entered On 1/6/2021(RE: related document(s)14 Motion to Use Cash Collateral filed by Debtor AGF Machinery, LLC). (RK) (Entered: 01/06/2021)
Jan 9, 2021 305 BNC Certificate of Service - See Image Attached - (RE: related document(s)304 Order). No. of Notices: 3. Notice Date 01/08/2021. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/09/2021)
Jan 11, 2021 306 Notice of STATUS Hearing (RE: related document(s)238 Motion for Relief From Stay, Motion for Adequate Protection, 243 Motion to Extend Time, Motion to Extend Exclusivity Period). Hearing scheduled for 1/21/2021 at 1:40 PM at ATT Conference Call Phone: (877) 336-1839, Participant Code: 9617616, Host: Bill Livingston. (BL) (Entered: 01/11/2021)
Jan 13, 2021 307 Bankruptcy Administrator Response on Application to Approve Professional Fees Recommends Approval (RE: related document(s)286 Application to Approve Attorney Fees and Expenses of Professional Persons Pursuant to 11 USC 330 filed by Attorney Stichter, Riedel, Blain & Postler, P.A.) filed by Debtor AGF Machinery, LLC (Griggs, Britt) (Entered: 01/13/2021)
Jan 14, 2021 308 BNC Certificate of Service - Telephone Hearing - (RE: related document(s)306 Hearing). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 01/13/2021. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/14/2021)
Jan 19, 2021 309 Motion for Relief from Stay . Fee Amount $188, in addition to Motion for Adequate Protection filed by Leonard N. Math on behalf of UNITED LEASING, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 AFFIDAVIT # 2 CONTRACT # 3 UCC) (Math, Leonard) (Entered: 01/19/2021)
Jan 19, 2021 310 Motion for Relief from Stay . Fee Amount $188, in addition to Motion for Adequate Protection filed by Leonard N. Math on behalf of UNITED LEASING, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 AFFIDAVIT # 2 CONTRACT # 3 TITLE - MAC # 4 TITLE - 2011 FORD # 5 TITLE - 2012 FORD) (Math, Leonard) (Entered: 01/19/2021)
Show 10 more entries
Jan 22, 2021 321 Order Awarding Fee (Related Doc # 286 Application to Approve Attorney Fees and Expenses). Fees Awarded: $62,922.50, Expenses awarded: $678.25 Entered On 1/22/2021. (JI), (Entered: 01/22/2021)
Jan 24, 2021 322 BNC Certificate of Service - See Image Attached - (RE: related document(s)321 Order on Application to Approve Attorney Fees and Expenses of Professional Persons Pursuant to 11 USC 330). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date 01/24/2021. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/24/2021)
Jan 27, 2021 323 Motion to Extend Exclusivity Period for Filing a Chapter 11 Plan and Disclosure Statement filed by Edward J. Peterson on behalf of AGF Machinery, LLC. Responses due by 02/17/2021. (Peterson, Edward) (Entered: 01/27/2021)
Jan 27, 2021 324 Notice of Telephone Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)323 Motion to Extend Exclusivity Period). Hearing scheduled for 2/11/2021 at 10:05 AM at ATT Conference Call Phone: (877) 336-1839, Participant Code: 9617616, Host: Bill Livingston. (BL) (Entered: 01/27/2021)
Jan 28, 2021 325 Monthly Operating Report for Filing Period November 1, 2020 - November 30, 2020 filed by Edward J. Peterson on behalf of AGF Machinery, LLC. (Peterson, Edward) (Entered: 01/28/2021)
Jan 28, 2021 326 Chapter 11 Bank Statements for November 2020 Report filed by Edward J. Peterson on behalf of AGF Machinery, LLC. (Peterson, Edward) (Entered: 01/28/2021)
Jan 28, 2021 327 Monthly Operating Report for Filing Period December 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020 filed by Edward J. Peterson on behalf of AGF Machinery, LLC. (Peterson, Edward) (Entered: 01/28/2021)
Jan 28, 2021 328 Chapter 11 Bank Statements for December 2020 Report filed by Edward J. Peterson on behalf of AGF Machinery, LLC. (Peterson, Edward) (Entered: 01/28/2021)
Jan 30, 2021 329 BNC Certificate of Service - Telephone Hearing - (RE: related document(s)324 Hearing). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 01/29/2021. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/30/2021)
Feb 1, 2021 330 Application to Approve Attorney Fees and Expenses of Professional Persons Pursuant to 11 USC 330 for McDaniel & Associates, PC, Accountant, Period: 8/12/2020 to 12/31/2020, Fee: $6,728.00, Expenses: $0.00. filed by McDaniel & Associates, PC. (Peterson, Edward) (Entered: 02/01/2021)

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Case Information

Alabama Middle Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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William R. Sawyer
Aug 12, 2020
Jul 28, 2022
Sep 13, 2023
Last checked
Feb 25, 2021

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    This case has no creditors listed.



    AGF Machinery, LLC
    7366 Gulf Blvd.
    Navarre, FL 32566
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx3389

    Represented By

    Edward J. Peterson
    Stichter, Riedel, Blain & Postler P.A.
    110 E Madison St. #200
    Tampa, FL 33602
    Email: epeterson.ecf@srbp.com

    Bankruptcy Administrator

    U. S. Bankruptcy Administrator
    One Church Street
    Montgomery, AL 36104

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