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Texas Armoring Corporation

Texas Western Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 7





Last Checked







Last Updated
Sep 16, 2024
Last Entry Filed
Sep 8, 2024

Docket Entries by Quarter

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May 10 215 Application for Compensation (21 Day Objection Language), Fees $ 3,800.00, Expenses $ 0.00, For Time Period From August 11, 2022 To Time Period Ending January 13, 2023 filed by John Patrick Lowe for Trustee John Patrick Lowe (Attachments: # 1 EXHIBIT "A" - Retention Order # 2 First and Final Fee Application Summary # 3 Accountant's Invoices # 4 Service List # 5 Proposed Order)(Lowe, John)
May 10 216 BNC Certificate of Mailing (Related Document(s): 213 Order Regarding (related document(s): 212 Motion to Approve Compromise under Rule 9019 (21 Day Objection Language) filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Trustee John Patrick Lowe (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Settlement Agreement # 2 Proposed Order Order Approving 9019 # 3 Appendix Service List)) (Order entered on 5/8/2024)) Notice Date 05/10/2024. (Admin.)
May 13 217 Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (IF TIME ESTIMATE EXCEEDS 20 MINUTES, PLEASE E-MAIL DEANNA CASTLEBERRY AT: deanna_castleberry@txwb.uscourts.gov.) (Related Document(s): 215 Application for Compensation in the amount of $3,800.00 and Expenses in the amount of $0.00 for August 11, 2022 to January 13, 2023 filed by Trustee John Patrick Lowe. Hearing Scheduled For 6/18/2024 at 9:30 AM at SA Courtroom 1 (Castleberry, Deanna)
May 14 218 Application for Compensation (21 Day Objection Language), Fees $ 11,124.50, Expenses $ 293.25, For Time Period From July 26, 2023 To Time Period Ending May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Fee Statement # 2 Exhibit Retention Order # 3 Exhibit Fee App Summary # 4 Proposed Order Approving Application # 5 Appendix Notice to Creditors # 6 Appendix Service List)(Cumings, Brian)
May 14 219 Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (IF TIME ESTIMATE EXCEEDS 20 MINUTES, PLEASE E-MAIL DEANNA CASTLEBERRY AT: deanna_castleberry@txwb.uscourts.gov. ) (Related Document(s): 218 Application for Compensation in the amount of $11,124.50 and Expenses in the amount of $93.25 for July 26, 2023 to May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. Hearing Scheduled For 6/18/2024 at 9:30 AM at SA Courtroom 1. (Castleberry, Deanna)
May 16 220 BNC Certificate of Mailing (Related Document(s): 217 Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (IF TIME ESTIMATE EXCEEDS 20 MINUTES, PLEASE E-MAIL DEANNA CASTLEBERRY AT: deanna_castleberry@txwb.uscourts.gov.) (Related Document(s): 215 Application for Compensation in the amount of $3,800.00 and Expenses in the amount of $0.00 for August 11, 2022 to January 13, 2023 filed by Trustee John Patrick Lowe. Hearing Scheduled For 6/18/2024 at 9:30 AM at SA Courtroom 1 ) Notice Date 05/16/2024. (Admin.)
May 16 221 BNC Certificate of Mailing (Related Document(s): 219 Hearing to Consider and Act Upon the Following: (IF TIME ESTIMATE EXCEEDS 20 MINUTES, PLEASE E-MAIL DEANNA CASTLEBERRY AT: deanna_castleberry@txwb.uscourts.gov. ) (Related Document(s): 218 Application for Compensation in the amount of $11,124.50 and Expenses in the amount of $93.25 for July 26, 2023 to May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. Hearing Scheduled For 6/18/2024 at 9:30 AM at SA Courtroom 1.) Notice Date 05/16/2024. (Admin.)
May 21 222 Motion Victory Armoring Solutions Global's Motion to Enforce the Bankruptcy Court's Sale Order and for Related Relief filed by Joshua P Davis for Interested Party Victory Armoring Solutions Global (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Service Matrix # 2 Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Victory Armoring Solutions Global's Motion to Enforce the Bankruptcy Court's Sale Order and For Related Relief)(Davis, Joshua)
May 22 Judge's Notice, Permitting Fernando Rocha Appearance at hearing on 06/18/2024, via ZOOM, https://www.zoomgov.com/my/parkercourt1 MEETING ID: 160 5269 3674. Prior to the Hearing starting ALL PARTIES DIALING INTO ZOOM WILL BE HELD IN THE WAITING ROOM WHERE YOU WILL REMAIN UNTIL YOUR CASE IS CALLED AT WHICH TIME YOU WILL BE MOVED INTO THE LIVE COURT HEARING. (Related Document(s): 215 Application for Compensation $3,800.00, Expenses $0.00, for August 11, 2022 to January 13, 2023 filed by Trustee John Patrick Lowe. (Castleberry, Deanna)
May 22 Trustee's Request for Webex Appearance(Reason: In order to save the time and expense of travel, the trustee requests permission to appear by webex to observe the hearings., ) (Date and Time of Hearing: 6/18/2024 at 9:30 AM) (Lowe, John) (related document(s): 215 Application for Compensation (21 Day Objection Language), Fees $ 3,800.00, Expenses $ 0.00, For Time Period From August 11, 2022 To Time Period Ending January 13, 2023 filed by John Patrick Lowe for Trustee John Patrick Lowe (Attachments: # 1 EXHIBIT "A" - Retention Order # 2 First and Final Fee Application Summary # 3 Accountant's Invoices # 4 Service List # 5 Proposed Order), 218 Application for Compensation (21 Day Objection Language), Fees $ 11,124.50, Expenses $ 293.25, For Time Period From July 26, 2023 To Time Period Ending May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Fee Statement # 2 Exhibit Retention Order # 3 Exhibit Fee App Summary # 4 Proposed Order Approving Application # 5 Appendix Notice to Creditors # 6 Appendix Service List))
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Jun 13 Request for Webex/Zoom Appearance(Who: Brian Cumings, Reason: Supporting trial in Waco, to safe time and cost of travel, ) (Date and Time of Hearing: June 18, 2024 at 9:30 am) filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C.. (Cumings, Brian) (Related Document(s): 218 Application for Compensation (21 Day Objection Language), Fees $ 11,124.50, Expenses $ 293.25, For Time Period From July 26, 2023 To Time Period Ending May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Fee Statement # 2 Exhibit Retention Order # 3 Exhibit Fee App Summary # 4 Proposed Order Approving Application # 5 Appendix Notice to Creditors # 6 Appendix Service List))
Jun 13 Judge's Notice, Permitting Brian Cumings Appearance at hearing on 06/18/2024, via ZOOM, https://www.zoomgov.com/my/parkercourt1 MEETING ID: 160 5269 3674. Prior to the Hearing starting ALL PARTIES DIALING INTO ZOOM WILL BE HELD IN THE WAITING ROOM WHERE YOU WILL REMAIN UNTIL YOUR CASE IS CALLED AT WHICH TIME YOU WILL BE MOVED INTO THE LIVE COURT HEARING. (Related Document(s): 218 Application for Compensation $11,124.50, Expenses $293.25, For July 26, 2023 To May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. (Castleberry, Deanna)
Jun 18 Hearing RESET (Related Document(s): 215 Application for Compensation Fees $3,800.00, Expenses $0.00, For Time Period From August 11, 2022 To Time Period Ending January 13, 2023 filed by Trustee John Patrick Lowe. Hearing Scheduled For 7/23/2024 at 9:00 AM at SA Courtroom 1. (Castleberry, Deanna)***RESET IN OPEN COURT FROM 6/18/2024 - NO FURTHER NOTICE TO BE GIVEN***
Jun 18 228 Order Granting Compensation for Brian Talbot Cumings, Trustee's Attorney, Period: 7/26/2023 to 5/8/2024, Fees awarded: $11435.75, Awarded on 6/18/2024 (related document(s): 218 Application for Compensation Fees $ 11,124.50, Expenses $ 293.25, For Time Period From July 26, 2023 To Time Period Ending May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. (Order entered on 6/18/2024) (Hardage, Bridget)
Jun 18 Hearing Held: Approved -- Order Signed. (Related Document(s): 218 Application for Compensation Fees $ 11,124.50, Expenses $ 293.25, For Time Period From July 26, 2023 To Time Period Ending May 8, 2024 filed by Brian Talbot Cumings for Attorney Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, P.C. (Hardage, Bridget)
Jun 18 Hearing Held: Notice of Withdrawal filed on 06/05/2024 (#226). (Related Document(s): 222 Motion to Enforce the Bankruptcy Court's Sale Order and for Related Relief filed by Joshua P. Davis for Interested Party Victory Armoring Solutions Global. (Davis, Joshua) (Hardage, Bridget)
Jun 18 229 Court Entry: Destroy exhibits, no response by deadline by Plaintiff's attorney (Sosa, Alma)
Jun 27 230 Trustee's Disclosure of Compensation of Accountant for Debtor (Lowe, John) (related document(s): 43 Order Approving Employment of Accountant (Fernando Rocha) (related document(s): 41 Application to Employ Accountant, ABIP CPA and Advisers filed by James Samuel Wilkins for Debtor Texas Armoring Corporation (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)) (Party Fernando Rocha has been added to the case.) (Order entered on 6/29/2022))
Jul 3 231 Application for Retention of Accountant Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section 327(a) (21 Day Objection Language) filed by John Patrick Lowe for Trustee John Patrick Lowe (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Disclosure of Compensation Under 11 U.S.C. Section 329 and Bankruptcy Rule 2016(b) # 2 Affidavit of John Mosley # 3 Exhibit C - Agreement for Professional Services # 4 Service List # 5 Proposed Order)(Lowe, John)
Jul 15 Trustee's Request for Webex Appearance(Reason: The trustee requests permission to appear by zoom at the uncontested hearing in order to save the trustee and the estate the expense of travel (180 miles round trip)., ) (Date and Time of Hearing: 7/23/24 at 9AM) (Lowe, John) (related document(s): 215 Application for Compensation (21 Day Objection Language), Fees $ 3,800.00, Expenses $ 0.00, For Time Period From August 11, 2022 To Time Period Ending January 13, 2023 filed by John Patrick Lowe for Trustee John Patrick Lowe (Attachments: # 1 EXHIBIT "A" - Retention Order # 2 First and Final Fee Application Summary # 3 Accountant's Invoices # 4 Service List # 5 Proposed Order))

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Case Information

Texas Western Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Michael M Parker
Apr 29, 2022
Sep 15, 2024
Last checked
Sep 16, 2024

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    Bexar County
    Broadway National Bank
    PRA Receivables Management, LLC
    RBC Property Ltd.
    United State Attorney General
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    Texas Armoring Corporation
    7308 NE Loop 410
    San Antonio, TX 78219
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx8649

    Represented By

    James Samuel Wilkins
    James S. Wilkins, PC
    1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700
    San Antonio, TX 78213
    (210) 271-9212
    Email: jwilkins@stic.net


    John Patrick Lowe
    2402 East Main Street
    Uvalde, TX 78801

    Represented By

    Brian Talbot Cumings
    Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody, PC
    401 Congress Ave
    Suite 2700
    Austin, TX 78701
    Fax : 512-536-9926
    Email: bcumings@gdhm.com
    John Patrick Lowe
    2402 East Main Street
    Uvalde, TX 78801
    Email: pat.lowe.law@gmail.com

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