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Tangible Play, Inc.

Delaware Bankruptcy Court
Involuntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Jun 10, 2024
Last Entry Filed
Jun 7, 2024

Docket Entries by Week of Year

Jun 5 1 Petition Chapter 11 Involuntary Petition. Fee Amount $1738. Re: Tangible Play, Inc. Filed by Petitioning Creditor(s): HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors (attorney G. David Dean), TBK Bank, SSB (attorney G. David Dean), Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors (attorney G. David Dean), Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C. (attorney G. David Dean), HGV BL SPV, LLC (attorney G. David Dean), Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P. (attorney G. David Dean), Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors (attorney G. David Dean), Shawnee 2022-1 LLC (attorney G. David Dean), Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors (attorney G. David Dean), Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors (attorney G. David Dean), Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors (attorney G. David Dean), Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C. (attorney G. David Dean), GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent (attorney Laura Davis Jones), Continental Casualty Company (attorney G. David Dean), India Credit Solutions, L.P. (attorney G. David Dean). (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 2 [SEALED] Exhibit(s) (Chapter 11 Involuntary Petition against Tangible Play, Inc.) (related document(s)1) Filed by Continental Casualty Company, Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors, Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C., GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent, HGV BL SPV, LLC, HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors, India Credit Solutions, L.P., Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P., Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors, Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors, Shawnee 2022-1 LLC, Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors, Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors, TBK Bank, SSB, Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.. (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 3 Receipt of filing fee for Involuntary Petition (Chapter 11)( 24-11163) [misc,invol11a] (1738.00). Receipt Number A11624367, amount $1738.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 4 Motion for Joint Administration Filed by Continental Casualty Company, Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors, Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C., GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent, HGV BL SPV, LLC, HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors, India Credit Solutions, L.P., Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P., Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors, Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors, Shawnee 2022-1 LLC, Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors, Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors, TBK Bank, SSB, Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.. (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 5 [SEALED] Motion to Authorize / Motion of the Petitioning Creditors Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 105(a) and 303(f) for Entry of an Order (A) Prohibiting the Alleged Debtors from Using Estate Assets for Non-Ordinary Course Purposes and (B) Requiring the Alleged Debtors to Provide Weekly Disclosures Filed by Continental Casualty Company, Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors, Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C., GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent, HGV BL SPV, LLC, HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors, India Credit Solutions, L.P., Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P., Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors, Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors, Shawnee 2022-1 LLC, Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors, Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors, TBK Bank, SSB, Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E) (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 6 Motion to File Under Seal/ Petitioning Creditors' Motion for Entry of an Order Authorizing the Filing of Certain Confidential Information and Related Documents Under Seal Filed by Continental Casualty Company, Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors, Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C., GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent, HGV BL SPV, LLC, HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors, India Credit Solutions, L.P., Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P., Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors, Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors, Shawnee 2022-1 LLC, Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors, Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors, TBK Bank, SSB, Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 7 Motion to Shorten (Petitioning Creditors' Motion for Entry of an Order Shortening Notice and Scheduling Expedited Hearing on the Petitioning Creditors' Motion Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 105(a) and 303(f) for Entry of an Order (I) Prohibiting the Alleged Debtors from Using Estate Assets for Non-Ordinary Course Purposes and (II) Requiring the Alleged Debtors to Provide Weekly Disclosures) (related document(s)5) Filed by Continental Casualty Company, Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors, Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C., GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent, HGV BL SPV, LLC, HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors, India Credit Solutions, L.P., Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P., Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors, Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors, Shawnee 2022-1 LLC, Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors, Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors, TBK Bank, SSB, Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Proposed Order) (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 8 (REDACTED) / Motion of the Petitioning Creditors Under 11 U.S.C. §§ 105(a) and 303(f) for Entry of an Order (A) Prohibiting the Alleged Debtors from Using Estate Assets for Non-Ordinary Course Purposes and (B) Requiring the Alleged Debtors to Provide Weekly Disclosures (related document(s)5) Filed by Continental Casualty Company, Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors, Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C., GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent, HGV BL SPV, LLC, HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors, India Credit Solutions, L.P., Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P., Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors, Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors, Shawnee 2022-1 LLC, Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors, Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors, TBK Bank, SSB, Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Exhibit B # 3 Exhibit C # 4 Exhibit D # 5 Exhibit E) (Dean, G.) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 Judge John T. Dorsey added to case (SJS) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 Filed by U.S. Trustee. (Casey, Linda) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Show 6 more entries
Jun 5 15 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Seth Van Aalten, Esq. (Related Document(s) 9) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 16 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Sarah A. Carnes, Esq. (Related Document(s) 10) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 17 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Bryant P. Churbuck, Esq. (Related Document(s) 11) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 18 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Richard A. Stieglitz, Jr., Esq. (Related Document(s) 12) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 19 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Sesi Garimella, Esq. (Related Document(s) 13) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 20 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice for Jordan Wishnew, Esq. (Related Document(s) 14) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 21 Motion to Appear pro hac vice . Receipt Number 4329887, Filed by GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent. (Jones, Laura Davis) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 22 Motion to Appear pro hac vice of Brian Schartz of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, to represent GLAS Trust Company LLC. Receipt Number 4329887, Filed by GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent. (Jones, Laura Davis) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 23 Motion to Appear pro hac vice of Patrick J. Nash, Jr. of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, to represent GLAS Trust Company LLC. Receipt Number 4329887, Filed by GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent. (Jones, Laura Davis) (Entered: 06/05/2024)
Jun 5 24 Order Granting Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Ravi S. Shankar of Kirkland & Ellis LLP, to represent GLAS Trust Company LLC (Related Document(s) 21) Order Signed on 6/5/2024. (RC) (Entered: 06/05/2024)

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Case Information

Delaware Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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John T. Dorsey
Jun 5, 2024
Sep 1, 2024
Last checked
Jun 10, 2024

Associated Cases

    This case has no creditors listed.


    Petitioning Creditor

    HPS Investment Partners, LLC on behalf of HPS Petitioning Creditors
    40 West 57th Street
    Floor 33
    New York, NY 10019

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    Cole Schotz P.C.
    1325 Avenue of the Americas
    19th Floor
    New York, NY 10019
    (212) 752-8000
    Email: scarnes@coleschotz.com
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    Cole Schotz P.C.
    1325 Avenue of the Americas
    19th Floor
    New York, NY 10019
    Email: bchurbuck@coleschotz.com
    G. David Dean
    Cole Schotz P.C.
    500 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1410
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Fax : 302-652-3117
    Email: ddean@coleschotz.com
    Sesi Garimella
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    (212) 701-3000
    Email: sgarimella@cahill.com
    Joel Moss
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    Email: jmoss@cahill.com
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    Fax : 212-269-5420
    Email: rstieglitz@cahill.com
    Seth Van Aalten
    Cole Schotz, P.C.
    1325 Avenue of the Americas
    19th Floor
    New York, NY 10019
    Email: svanaalten@coleschotz.com
    Jordan Wishnew
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    United States
    Email: jwishnew@cahill.com

    Petitioning Creditor

    TBK Bank, SSB
    12700 Park Central Drive
    Suite 1700
    Dallas, TX 75271

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Redwood Capital Management, LLC on behalf of the Redwood Petitioning Creditors
    250 West 55th Street
    26th Floor
    New York, NY 10019

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund SPV, L.L.C. and Veritas Capital Credit Opportunities Fund II SPV, L.L.C.
    9 West 57th Street
    32nd Floor
    New York, NY 10019

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    330 Madison Avenue
    21st Floor
    New York, NY 10017

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Midtown Acquisitions GP LLC, as general partner of Midtown Acquisitions L.P.
    520 Madison Avenue
    30th Floor
    New York, NY 10022

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Silver Point Capital, L.P. on behalf of the Silver Point Petitioning Creditors
    2 Greenwich Plaza
    Greenwich, CT 06830

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Shawnee 2022-1 LLC
    850 Library Avenue
    Suite 204
    Newark, DE 19711

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Sentinel Dome Partners, LLC on behalf of the Sentinel Dome Petitioning Creditors
    1350 Bayshore Hwy
    Suite 905
    Burlingame, CA 94010

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    Stonehill Capital Management LLC, on behalf of the Stonehill Petitioning Creditors
    320 Park Ave.
    26th Floor
    New York, NY 10022

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    Email: jwishnew@cahill.com

    Petitioning Creditor

    Diameter Capital Partners LP, on behalf of the Diameter Petitioning Creditors
    55 Hudson Yards
    Suite 29B
    New York, NY 10001

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
    32 Old Slip
    New York, NY 10005
    United States
    Email: jwishnew@cahill.com

    Petitioning Creditor

    Ellington CLO III, Ltd. and Ellington Special Relative Value Fund L.L.C.
    53 Forest Avenue
    Old Greenwich, CT 06880

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    GLAS Trust Company LLC, in its capacity as administrative agent and collateral agent
    3 Second Street
    Suite 206
    Jersey City, NJ 07311

    Represented By

    Laura Davis Jones
    Pachulski, Stang, Ziehl & Jones LLP
    919 North Market St, 17th Floor
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Email: ljones@pszjlaw.com
    Patrick J. Nash
    Kirkland & Ellis LLP
    333 West Wolf Point Plaza
    Chicago, IL 60654
    Fax : 312-862-2200
    Email: pnash@kirkland.com
    Brian Schartz
    c/o Kirkland & Ellis LLP
    601 Lexington Avenue
    New York, NY 10022
    Fax : 212-446-4900
    Email: bschartz@kirkland.com
    Ravi Subramanian Shankar
    Kirkland & Ellis LLP
    333 West Wolf Point Plaza
    Chicago, IL 60654
    Fax : 312-862-2200
    Email: ravi.shankar@kirkland.com

    Petitioning Creditor

    Continental Casualty Company
    151 North Franklin Street
    15th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60606

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)

    Petitioning Creditor

    India Credit Solutions, L.P.
    190 Elgin Avenue
    George Town KY1-9008
    Grand Cayman

    Represented By

    Sarah A. Carnes
    (See above for address)
    Bryant P. Churbuck
    (See above for address)
    G. David Dean
    (See above for address)
    Sesi Garimella
    (See above for address)
    Joel Moss
    (See above for address)
    Richard A. Stieglitz Jr.
    (See above for address)
    Seth Van Aalten
    (See above for address)
    Jordan Wishnew
    (See above for address)


    Tangible Play, Inc.
    228 Hamilton Avenue
    Floor 3
    Palo Alto, CA 94301
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx9331
    dba Osmo

    Represented By

    Tangible Play, Inc.
    PRO SE

    U.S. Trustee

    U.S. Trustee
    Office of the United States Trustee
    J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building
    844 King Street, Suite 2207
    Lockbox 35
    Wilmington, DE 19801

    Represented By

    Linda J. Casey
    Office of United States Trustee
    844 King Street
    Suite 2207
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    Fax : 302-573-6497
    Email: Linda.Casey@usdoj.gov

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