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Synergistiks, Inc.

Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Jun 17, 2015
Last Entry Filed
Jun 16, 2015

Docket Entries by Year

Jun 16, 2015 1 Petition Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition . Fee Amount $1717 Filed by Synergistiks, Inc. Government Proof of Claim due by 12/14/2015. Declaration Re: Electronic Filing due 06/30/2015. Atty Disclosure Statement due 06/30/2015. Declaration of Schedules due 06/30/2015. Employee Income Record or a statement that there is no record due by 06/30/2015. Schedule A due 06/30/2015. Schedule B due 06/30/2015. Schedule D due 06/30/2015. Schedule E due 06/30/2015. Schedule F due 06/30/2015. Schedule G due 06/30/2015. Schedule H due 06/30/2015. Statement of Financial Affairs due 06/30/2015. Summary of schedules due 06/30/2015. Incomplete Filings due by 06/30/2015. Chapter 11 Small Business Plan due by 12/14/2015. Disclosure Statement due by 12/14/2015. (Petak, Kevin) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 2 Notice Regarding Filing of Mailing Matrix Filed by Debtor Synergistiks, Inc. (Petak, Kevin) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 3 Receipt of Voluntary Petition Chapter 11(15-70441) [misc,volp11] (1717.00) filing fee. Receipt number 11608938, amount $1717.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 4 Application to Employ James R. Walsh, Esquire, Kevin J. Petak, Esquire & Spence, Custer, Saylor, Wolfe & Rose, LLC as Counsel for Debtor-In-Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to date of filing. Filed by Attorney Spence, Custer, Saylor, Wolfe & Rose, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Verified Statement of Proposed Counsel # 2 Proposed Order) (Petak, Kevin) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 5 Hearing on Application to Retain Counsel Nunc Pro Tunc Filed by Attorney Spence, Custer, Saylor, Wolfe & Rose, LLC (RE: related document(s): 4 Application to Employ filed by Attorney Spence, Custer, Saylor, Wolfe & Rose, LLC). Hearing scheduled for 7/17/2015 at 01:30 PM at p51 Courtroom B, Penn Traffic Bldg., Johnstown. Responses due by 7/3/2015. (Petak, Kevin) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 6 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions - Debtor's Motion for Order Authorizing Continued Usage of Pre-Petition Bank Accounts,, in addition to Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Debtor Synergistiks, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order Granting Request for Expedited Hearing # 2 Proposed Order Granting Substantive Relief) (Petak, Kevin) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 7 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions - Debtor's Motion for Order Authorizing Payment of Pre-Petition Wages, Benefits, Employment Taxes, and Related Payroll Obligations, in addition to Motion to Expedite Hearing Filed by Debtor Synergistiks, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - Payroll Run # 2 Proposed Order Granting Request for Expedited Hearing # 3 Proposed Order Granting Substantive Relief) (Petak, Kevin) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 8 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Heather A. Sprague on Behalf of the United States Trustee by Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the United States Trustee (on Behalf of the United States Trustee by, Heather A. Sprague) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 9 Order Setting Hearing on (RE: related document(s): 6 Motion For Order Authorizing Continued Usage Of Pre-Petition Bank Accounts And Request For An Expedited Hearing Thereon filed by Debtor Synergistiks, Inc.). Hearing scheduled for 6/19/2015 at 10:00 AM at p51 Courtroom B, Penn Traffic Bldg., Johnstown. Responses due by 6/19/2015 at 9:00 AM. cm: Kevin J. Petak, Esq. (emar) (Entered: 06/16/2015)
Jun 16, 2015 10 Order Setting Hearing on (RE: related document(s): 7 Motion For Order Authorizing Payment Of Pre-petition Wages, Benefits, Employment Taxes And Related Payroll Obligations And Request For An Expedited Hearing Thereon filed by Debtor Synergistiks, Inc.). Hearing scheduled for 6/19/2015 at 10:00 AM at p51 Courtroom B, Penn Traffic Bldg., Johnstown. Responses due by 6/19/2015 at 9:00 AM. cm: Kevin J. Petak, Esq. (emar) (Entered: 06/16/2015)

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Case Information

Pennsylvania Western Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Jeffery A. Deller
Jun 16, 2015
May 11, 2016
Sep 13, 2023
Last checked
Jul 20, 2015

Associated Cases


    Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.
    AD Winans, Inc.
    Adecco Employment Services
    Adkins Sr., Lewis J.
    American Driving Records
    Ameriserv Financial Bank
    Anytime Truck and Tire Service
    ARCpoint Labs of Columbus
    Ardith Wilkins Tax Collector
    Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Serv
    ASV (Credit Card)
    August, Val C.
    Autoglass & Repair Solutions, Inc.
    Battin, Jack E.
    Baughman, Kristen N.
    Billcheck, David A.
    There are 146 more creditors. Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.



    Synergistiks, Inc.
    PO Box 305
    Windber, PA 15963
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx7379

    Represented By

    Kevin J. Petak
    Spence Custer Saylor Wolfe & Rose, LLC
    P.O. Box 280
    Johnstown, PA 15907-0280
    Fax : 814-539-1423
    Email: kpetak@spencecuster.com

    U.S. Trustee

    Office of the United States Trustee
    Liberty Center.
    1001 Liberty Avenue, Suite 970
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222

    Represented By

    Heather A. Sprague on Behalf of the United States Trustee by
    Office of the United States Trustee
    Liberty Center, Suite 970
    1001 Liberty Avenue
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222
    Fax : 412-644-4785
    Email: Heather.Sprague@usdoj.gov

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