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S&P Enterprises, LLC

Mississippi Southern Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Sep 17, 2013
Last Entry Filed
Sep 16, 2013

Docket Entries by Year

Sep 16, 2013 1 Petition Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition. Fee Amount $1213 Filed by S&P Enterprises, LLC (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 2 20 Largest Unsecured Creditors Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC. (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 3 Document (Resolution) Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)). (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 4 Equity Security Holders Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC. (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 5 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC. (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 6 Matrix Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC. (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 Judge Katharine M. Samson added to case (Dutil, Josette) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 Case Administrator assigned - Margaret Farrell (Dutil, Josette) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 7 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Jeffrey Ryan Barber Filed by Creditor HSBC Bank, USA, National Association et al.. (Barber, Jeffrey) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 8 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Cash Collateral) Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order # 2 Exhibit B - Budget) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 9 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Utility Motion) Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A # 2 Proposed Order) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 11 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Cash Management - Bank Accounts) Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 12 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Wage Motion) Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 13 Motion to Expedite Hearing (related documents 8 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions, 9 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions, 11 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions, 12 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions) Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)(13-51807) [misc,volp11] (1213.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 5503349. Fee amount 1213.00. (re: Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 14 Requirements for Debtor-in-Possession in a Chapter 11 Case (Farrell, Margaret) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 15 Notice Regarding Filing Chapter 11 Monthly Operating Reports (Farrell, Margaret) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 16 Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (RE: related document(s)8 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Cash Collateral), 9 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Utility Motion), 11 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Cash Management - Bank Accounts), 12 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Wage Motion), 13 Motion to Expedite Hearing (related documents 8 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions, 9 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions, 11 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions, 12 Motion Re: Chapter 11 First Day Motions) ). (Attachments: # 1 Matrix) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)
Sep 16, 2013 17 Certificate of Service Filed by Debtor S&P Enterprises, LLC (RE: related document(s)9 Motion Regarding Chapter 11 First Day Motions (Utility Motion)). (Attachments: # 1 Utility List) (Draper, Douglas) (Entered: 09/16/2013)

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Case Information

Mississippi Southern Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Katharine M. Samson
Sep 16, 2013
Sep 23, 2016
Sep 13, 2023
Last checked
Sep 17, 2013

Associated Cases


    Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.
    81st Contracting Sqdn
    Arth, LLC
    Blue Bridge Financial, LLC, ISAOA
    Ciena Capital, LLC
    Dipak K. Amandavia
    Harrison County Tax Collector
    Internal Revenue Service
    Internal Revenue Service
    Internal Revenue Service
    Jayesh K. Patel
    Jeffrey R. Barber, Esq.
    Jeffrey Ryan Barber
    Jigna Patel
    Karnavati Steel Inds.
    Kishan Shah
    There are 16 more creditors. Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.



    S&P Enterprises, LLC
    11969 Bobby Eleuterius Blvd.
    D'Iberville, MS 39540
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx8312

    Represented By

    Douglas Scott Draper
    Heller Draper Patrick & Horn, L.L.C.
    650 Poydras Street, Suite 2500
    New Orleans, LA 70130
    504 299-3300
    Fax : 504-299-3399
    Email: ddraper@hellerdraper.com

    U.S. Trustee

    United States Trustee
    501 East Court Street
    Suite 6-430
    Jackson, MS 39201
    (601) 965-5241

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