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Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc.

New Hampshire Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Jan 26, 2024
Last Entry Filed
Jan 25, 2024

Docket Entries by Month

Jan 9 1 Petition Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition Non-Individual. Fee Amount $1738 Filed by Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. Statement of Financial Affairs due by 01/23/2024. Schedule A/B due 01/23/2024. Schedule D due by 01/23/2024. Schedule E/F due 01/23/2024. Schedule G due by 01/23/2024. Schedule H due by 01/23/2024. Summary of Assets and Liabilities due 01/23/2024. Atty Disclosure Statement due by 01/23/2024. Incomplete Filings due by 01/23/2024. Chapter 11 Plan due by 05/8/2024. Disclosure Statement due by 05/8/2024. (Dahar, Eleanor) (Entered: 01/09/2024)
Jan 9 2 Debtor Organizational Documents Filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. (Dahar, Eleanor) (Entered: 01/09/2024)
Jan 9 3 Corporate Resolution Filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. (Dahar, Eleanor) (Entered: 01/09/2024)
Jan 9 4 Receipt of Voluntary Petition - Chapter 11( 24-10015) [misc,volp11] (1738.00) filing fee. Receipt number A4176020, Fee amount $1738.00. (re: Doc#1). (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 01/09/2024)
Jan 10 Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Sec. 341(a) the United States Trustee has scheduled the meeting of creditors to take place on February 12, 2024 at 9:00 AM at the following location: Telephonic: Please call (866) 836-3228 and use passcode #7434886. Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the U.S. Trustee (Bacher, Kimberly) (Entered: 01/10/2024)
Jan 10 5 Order Setting Last Day To File Proofs of Claim Signed on 1/10/2024 Proofs of Claims due by 5/8/2024. Government Proof of Claim due by 7/8/2024. (So ordered by Judge Bruce A. Harwood )(amw) (Entered: 01/10/2024)
Jan 10 6 Meeting of Creditors. 341(a) meeting to be held on 2/12/2024 at 09:00 AM via Telephonic Meeting of Creditors. Last day to oppose discharge or dischargeability is 4/12/2024. (amw) (Entered: 01/10/2024)
Jan 10 7 Notice to Debtor to File Schedules and Statements. Certain schedules and statements were not filed with the voluntary petition and are required to be filed by the date indicated under Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 1007 and Local Bankruptcy Rule 1007-1. Failure to file the documents required by 11 U.S.C. Section 521(a)(1) and Local Bankruptcy Rule 1007-1 will result in the issuing of a Clerks Notice of Dismissal (Contingent). (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition - Chapter 11 filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc.). Statement of Financial Affairs due by 1/23/2024. Schedule A/B due 1/23/2024. Schedule D due by 1/23/2024. Schedule E/F due 1/23/2024. Schedule G due by 1/23/2024. Schedule H due by 1/23/2024. Summary of Assets and Liabilities due 1/23/2024. Declaration re Debtor Schedules due by 1/23/2024. Atty Disclosure Statement due by 1/23/2024. Verified Stmt. re List of Creditors due by 1/23/2024. List of Equity Security Holders due by 1/23/2024. Incomplete Filings due by 1/23/2024. (amw) (Entered: 01/10/2024)
Jan 11 8 Ex Parte Motion to Use Cash Collateral and Provision for Adequate Protection Filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Budget for Interim Use # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Declaation of Dawn Plourde # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C - Interim Order # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D - Budget for Continued Use, March & April, 2024 # 5 Exhibit Exhibit E - Order on Further Use of Cash Collateral # 6 Certificate of Service) (Dahar, Eleanor) (Entered: 01/11/2024)
Jan 11 9 Motion by Debtor to Use Existing Debtor In Possession Accounts at TD Bank as Debtor In Possession Accounts for Current Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. Hearing scheduled for 2/14/2024 at 11:00 AM at Courtroom A. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Service # 2 Proposed Order # 3 Notice of Hearing # 4 Certificate of Service) (Dahar, Eleanor) (Entered: 01/11/2024)
Show 3 more entries
Jan 11 13 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Ann Marie Dirsa Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the U.S. Trustee (Dirsa, Ann) (Entered: 01/11/2024)
Jan 12 14 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice and Pleadings by Anthony J. Manhart Filed by Creditor GreenLake Real Estate Fund, LLC (Manhart, Anthony) (Entered: 01/12/2024)
Jan 12 15 Limited Objection Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the U.S. Trustee (RE: related document(s) 8 Motion to Use Cash Collateral filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc.) (Dirsa, Ann) (Entered: 01/12/2024)
Jan 12 16 Interim Order on Debtor's Ex Parte First Day Motion for Order Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral and Provision of Adequate Protection. A final hearing on Debtor's Motion for Use of Cash Collateral shall be held on February 7, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. (Related Doc # 8) Signed on 1/12/2024. (So ordered by Judge Bruce A. Harwood ) (amw) (Entered: 01/12/2024)
Jan 12 17 Hearing Set On Motion to Use Cash Collateral (RE: related document(s)8 Motion to Use Cash Collateral filed by Debtor Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc.). Hearing scheduled for 2/7/2024 at 02:00 PM at Courtroom A. (amw) (Entered: 01/12/2024)
Jan 12 18 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Michael T. McCormack Filed by Creditor Internal Revenue Service (McCormack, Michael) (Entered: 01/12/2024)
Jan 13 19 BNC Certificate of Notice. (RE: related document(s) 5 Order Setting Last Day To File Proofs of Claim). No. of Notices: 30. Notice Date 01/12/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/13/2024)
Jan 13 20 BNC Certificate of Notice - Meeting of Creditors. (RE: related document(s) 6 Meeting of Creditors - Chapter 11). No. of Notices: 30. Notice Date 01/12/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/13/2024)
Jan 13 21 BNC Certificate of Notice. (RE: related document(s) 7 Notice to File Missing Documents - Chapter 11). No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 01/12/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/13/2024)
Jan 15 22 BNC Certificate of Notice - PDF Document. (RE: related document(s) 16 Order on Motion to Use Cash Collateral). No. of Notices: 2. Notice Date 01/14/2024. (Admin.) (Entered: 01/15/2024)

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Case Information

New Hampshire Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Jan 9, 2024
Jul 21, 2024
Last checked
Feb 2, 2024

Associated Cases


    Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.
    Anthony J. Manhart, Esq.
    Aries Engineering
    Austin Powder
    Austin Powder Company
    Betterway Supply
    Cross Machine
    Daniel O. Plourde
    Davis Fuels of Epsom, Inc.
    Dawn Plourde
    Dead River Fuel Company
    Department of Treasury
    Devine Millimet
    Equipment East
    Frank Spinella
    There are 34 more creditors. Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.



    Plourde Sand & Gravel Co., Inc.
    P.O. Box 220
    Suncook, NH 03275
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx8462

    Represented By

    Eleanor Wm Dahar
    20 Merrimack Street
    Manchester, NH 03101
    (603) 622-6595
    Email: edahar@att.net

    U.S. Trustee

    Office of the U.S. Trustee
    James C. Cleveland Building
    53 Pleasant Street
    Suite 2300
    Concord, NH 03301
    (603) 333-2777

    Represented By

    Kimberly Bacher
    Office of the U.S. Trustee
    53 Pleasant Street
    Suite 2300
    Concord, NH 03301
    (603) 333-2782
    Email: kimberly.bacher@usdoj.gov
    Ann Marie Dirsa
    Office of U.S. Trustee
    53 Pleasant Street
    Suite 2300
    Concord, NH 03301
    (603) 333-2781
    Email: ann.marie.dirsa@usdoj.gov

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