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Nova Property Services, LLC

Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 7





Last Checked







Last Updated
Oct 31, 2011
Last Entry Filed
Oct 28, 2011

Docket Entries by Year

Oct 25, 2011 1 Petition Voluntary Petition under Chapter 7 Filed by Frank Bredimus of Law Office of Frank Bredimus on behalf of Nova Property Services, LLC. (Bredimus, Frank)
Oct 25, 2011 2 U.S. Treasury receipt of Voluntary Petition under Chapter 7(11-17693) [misc,1125] ( 299.00) filing fee. Receipt number 12996702, amount $ 299.00. (U.S. Treasury)
Oct 26, 2011 3 Meeting of Creditors: 12/01/2011, 11:00 AM, Office of the U.S. Trustee, 115 South Union Street, Suite 206, Alexandria, Virginia. Interim Trustee: Gordon P. Peyton.
Oct 26, 2011 4 Notice of Deficient Filing Issued to Frank Bredimus - Voluntary Petition not accompanied by corporate resolution (Re: related document(s) 1 Voluntary Petition under Chapter 7 filed by Nova Property Services, LLC) Document(s) due by 11/9/2011. (Jones, Diane)
Oct 26, 2011 5 Inquiry/General Checksheet Issued to Frank Bredimus regarding Voluntary Petition - Voluntary Petition filed contain the following deficiencies: (1) Complete employer's tax identification number omitted from Voluntary Petition (2) Petition not accompanied by Corporate Ownership Statement (3) A small business election is made in Chapter 11 cases (4) Attorney's address in ECF differs from address on Voluntary Petition. Attorneys address can be changed through Utilities, Maintain Your ECF Account (Re: related document(s) 1 Voluntary Petition under Chapter 7 filed by Nova Property Services, LLC) (Jones, Diane)
Oct 26, 2011 6 Amended Voluntary Petition11-17693-bfk filed by Frank Bredimus of Law Office of Frank Bredimus on behalf of Nova Property Services, LLC. (Bredimus, Frank)
Oct 26, 2011 7 Amended Certification Corporate Ownership Statemetn (Re: related document(s) 6 Amended Voluntary Petition filed by Nova Property Services, LLC) filed by Frank Bredimus of Law Office of Frank Bredimus on behalf of Nova Property Services, LLC. (Bredimus, Frank)
Oct 26, 2011 8 Amended Voluntary Petitionwith Federal ID # filed by Frank Bredimus of Law Office of Frank Bredimus on behalf of Nova Property Services, LLC. (Bredimus, Frank)
Oct 26, 2011 9 Order of Designation; designating Tracy MacDonald to perform duties imposed upon the debtor by the Bankruptcy Code (Palmer, Don)
Oct 28, 2011 10 Notice of Meeting of Creditors (Re: related document(s) 3 Auto Assign Meeting of Creditors Chapter 7 Business) (Admin.) (Entered: 10/29/2011)

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Case Information

Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Brian F. Kenney
Oct 25, 2011
Feb 23, 2012
Sep 14, 2023
Last checked
Oct 31, 2011

Associated Cases


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    B. Frank Joy
    Clark / Balfour Beatty - NCE
    Erie Insurance
    Internal Revenue Service
    John Deere James River Equipment
    United Rentals
    Virginia Department of Taxation
    Washington Air Compressor



    Nova Property Services, LLC
    19862 Evergreen Mills Road
    Leesburg, VA 20175
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx2691

    Represented By

    Frank Bredimus
    Law Office of Frank Bredimus
    16960 Ivandale Rd.
    Hamilton, VA 20158
    Fax : 540-751-1008
    Email: Fbredimus@aol.com

    Debtor Designee

    Tracy MacDonald


    Gordon P. Peyton
    Redmon. Peyton & Braswell
    510 King Street, Suite 301
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    (703) 684-2000

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