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MV Realty of Texas, LLC

Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Sep 29, 2023
Last Entry Filed
Sep 28, 2023

Docket Entries by Month

Sep 22, 2023 1 Petition Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition . [Fee Amount $1738] Proofs of Claim due by 12/1/2023. (Seese, Michael) (Entered: 09/22/2023)
Sep 22, 2023 Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)( 23-17599) [misc,volp11a] (1738.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number A43106152. Fee amount 1738.00. (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 09/22/2023)
Sep 22, 2023 2 Ex Parte Motion to Jointly Administer Case(s) 23-17591, 23-17592, 23-17593, 23-17594, 23-17595, 23-17596, 23-17597, 23-17598, 23-17599, 23-17600, 23-17601, 23-17602, 23-17603, 23-17604, 23-17605, 23-17606, 23-17607, 23-17608, 23-17609, 23-17610, 23-17611, 23-17612, 23-17613, 23-17614, 23-17615, 23-17616, 23-17617, 23-17618, 23-17619, 23-17620, 23-17621, 23-17622, 23-17623, 23-17624, 23-17625 into Lead Case 23-17590 Filed by Debtor MV Realty of Texas, LLC (Seese, Michael) (Entered: 09/22/2023)
Sep 24, 2023 3 List of Twenty Largest Unsecured Creditors Filed by Debtor MV Realty of Texas, LLC. (Seese, Michael) (Entered: 09/24/2023)
Sep 24, 2023 4 Equity Security Holders Filed by Debtor MV Realty of Texas, LLC. (Seese, Michael) (Entered: 09/24/2023)
Sep 24, 2023 5 Corporate Ownership Statement Filed by Debtor MV Realty of Texas, LLC. (Seese, Michael) (Entered: 09/24/2023)
Sep 24, 2023 6 Declaration Concerning Schedules Conforming to Official Bankruptcy Form 106 or 202 Filed by Debtor MV Realty of Texas, LLC. (Seese, Michael) (Entered: 09/24/2023)
Sep 25, 2023 7 Notice of Incomplete Filings Due Required Chapter 11 Case Management Summary. Chapter 11 debtors (other than individuals not engaged in business) must file Local Form "Chapter 11 Case Management Summary" on the earlier of three business days after the petition date, or one business day before the first scheduled hearing on any motion. [See Local Rule 2081-1(B)]. [Deficiency Must be Cured by 10/2/2023].Creditor Matrix Due: 10/2/2023. Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information due 10/6/2023. Schedule A/B due 10/6/2023. Schedule D due 10/6/2023. Schedule E/F due 10/6/2023. Schedule G due 10/6/2023. Schedule H due 10/6/2023.Statement of Financial Affairs Due 10/6/2023.Declaration Concerning Debtors Schedules Due: 10/6/2023. [Incomplete Filings due by 10/6/2023]. (Ortman, Martha) (Entered: 09/25/2023)
Sep 25, 2023 8 Order Authorizing Debtor in Possession to Continue Operation of its Business, Close Pre-Petition Bank Accounts, and Open Debtor in Possession Bank Accounts . (Ortman, Martha) (Entered: 09/25/2023)
Sep 25, 2023 9 Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration of Case Numbers: 23-17591, 23-17592, 23-17593, 23-17594, 23-17595, 23-17596, 23-17597, 23-17598, 23-17599, 23-17600, 23-17601, 23-17602, 23-17603, 23-17604, 23-17605, 23-17606, 23-17607, 23-17608, 23-17609, 23-17610, 12-17611, 23-17612, 23-17613, 23-17614, 23-17615, 23-17616, 23-17617, 23-17618, 23-17619, 23-17620, 23-17621, 23-17622, 23-17623, 23-17624, 23-17625 into Lead Case 23-17590-EPK (Re: # 2) (Adam, Lorraine) (Entered: 09/25/2023)

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Case Information

Florida Southern Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Erik P. Kimball
Sep 22, 2023
Sep 1, 2024
Last checked
Sep 29, 2023
Lead case
MV Realty PBC, LLC

Associated Cases

    This case has no creditors listed.



    MV Realty of Texas, LLC
    815 Broken Sound Parkway
    Suite 140
    Boca Raton, FL 33487
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx7182

    Represented By

    Michael D. Seese, Esq.
    101 NE 3rd Ave., Suite 1500
    Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
    Email: mseese@seeselaw.com

    U.S. Trustee

    Office of the US Trustee
    51 S.W. 1st Ave.
    Suite 1204
    Miami, FL 33130
    (305) 536-7285

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