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Assetta Enterprises, Inc.

Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11V





Last Checked







Last Updated
Aug 12, 2024
Last Entry Filed
Aug 12, 2024

Docket Entries by Week of Year

Aug 7 1 Petition Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition SubchapterV Non-Individual. with deficiencies. Filing Fee in the Amount of $1738 Filed by Assetta Enterprises, Inc.. Chapter 11 Plan Small Business Subchapter V due by 11/5/2024. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 Receipt of filing fee for Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)( 24-11594) [misc,volp11] (1738.00). Receipt Number A20591708, amount $1738.00 (re: Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 2 Declaration Re: Electronic Filing (Re: 1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)) filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 3 Certificate of Vote filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 4 Matrix, Verification of Creditor Matrix (Re: 1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)) filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 5 State and Federal Tax Documents for the Year(s) of 2022 filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 6 Balance Sheet filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 7 Statement of Operations for Small Business filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 7 8 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice on Behalf of William K. Harrington, United States Trustee, Region 1 by Eric K. Bradford with certificate of service filed by Assistant U.S. Trustee Richard King - B (Bradford, Eric) (Entered: 08/07/2024)
Aug 8 9 Notice of Appointment of Subchapter V Trustee . David B. Madoff added to the case. (Bradford, Eric) (Entered: 08/08/2024)
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Aug 8 13 Motion filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. to Waive (Partially) Waive Debtor-in-Possession ("DIP") Account Requirements with certificate of service. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/08/2024)
Aug 8 14 Certificate of Service (Re: 11 Motion for Cash Collateral, 12 Motion to Set Bar Date, 13 Motion to Waive) filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/08/2024)
Aug 8 15 Evidence of Current and Sufficient Liability and Property Insurance (Re: 1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)) filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Evidence of Worker's Compensation Insurance) (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/08/2024)
Aug 8 16 Order to Update (Re:1 Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition) 20 Largest Unsecured Creditors due 8/22/2024. Atty Disclosure Statement due 8/22/2024. List of Equity Security Holders due 8/22/2024. Schedules A-H due 8/22/2024. Statement of Financial Affairs due 8/22/2024. Summary of Assets and Liabilities due 8/22/2024. Incomplete Filings due by 8/22/2024. (skeating, usbc) (Entered: 08/08/2024)
Aug 9 17 Order dated 08/09/2024 Regarding Procedures for Appearances by Video at Hearings Re: 1 Chapter 11 Voluntary Petition SubchapterV Non-Individual. See order for full text. (nc) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
Aug 9 18 Order dated 8/9/2024 Setting Hearing and Objection Deadline Re: 11 Motion filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. for Use of Cash Collateral, 13 Motion filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. to Waive (Partially) Waive Debtor-in-Possession ("DIP") Account Requirements. THE REQUEST FOR EXPEDITED DETERMINATION IS GRANTED AS FOLLOWS. THE COURT WILL HOLD A HEARING ON THE MOTIONS ON AUGUST 13, 2024, AT 2:30 P.M. THE HEARING WILL BE HELD IN PERSON IN COURTROOM 3, JOHN W. MCCORMACK POST OFFICE & COURT HOUSE, 5 POST OFFICE SQUARE, 12TH FLOOR, BOSTON, MA 02109. OBJECTIONS TO THE MOTIONS MAY BE RAISED AT THE HEARING. See Order for Full Text. (nc) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
Aug 9 Hearing Scheduled for 8/13/2024 at 02:30 PM at Boston Courtroom 3, 12th Floor, 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109 Re: 11 Motion filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. for Use of Cash Collateral, 13 Motion filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. to Waive (Partially) Waive Debtor-in-Possession ("DIP") Account Requirements. Objections to the Motions may be raised at the hearing. (nc) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
Aug 9 19 Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice by Raymond C Pelote with certificate of service filed by Creditor Brookline Bank (Pelote, Raymond) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
Aug 9 20 Application filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. to Employ Laurel E. Bretta, Attorney as Counsel filed with Affidavit along with certificate of service. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit) (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/09/2024)
Aug 9 21 Declaration Re: Electronic Filing of Laurel E. Bretta, Attorney (Re: 20 Application to Employ) filed by Debtor Assetta Enterprises, Inc. (Bretta, Laurel) (Entered: 08/09/2024)

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Massachusetts Bankruptcy Court
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Janet E. Bostwick
Aug 7, 2024
Sep 15, 2024
Last checked
Aug 12, 2024

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    Assetta Enterprises, Inc.
    336 Boston Road
    Medford, MA 02155
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx1377
    dba Pini's Pizza

    Represented By

    Laurel E. Bretta
    Bretta Law Advisors, P.C.
    P.O. Box 560148
    West Medford, MA 02156
    Fax : 781-395-0012
    Email: bglaw@lbretta.com

    U.S. Trustee

    Richard King - B
    Office of the US Trustee
    J.W. McCormack Post Office & Courthouse
    5 Post Office Sq., 10th Fl, Suite 1000
    Boston, MA 02109

    Represented By

    Eric K. Bradford
    Department of Justice
    5 Post Office Square
    10th Floor, Suite 1000
    Boston, MA 02109-3934
    Fax : 617-565-6368
    Email: Eric.K.Bradford@USDOJ.gov


    David B. Madoff
    Madoff & Khoury LLP
    124 Washington Street - Suite 202
    Foxborough, MA 02035

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