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Alouette Holdings, Inc.

Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11





Last Checked







Last Updated
Feb 13, 2020
Last Entry Filed
Feb 4, 2020

Docket Entries by Quarter

There are 11 older docket entries.

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Nov 22, 2019 12 Order of Designation; designating Bret A. Berneche to perform duties imposed upon the debtor by the Bankruptcy Code (Stehle, Michelle)
Nov 22, 2019 13 Order Granting Motion to Expedite Hearing (Related Doc # 5) (Stehle, Michelle)
Nov 22, 2019 14 Interim Order Authorizing the Debtor to Obtain Post-Petition, Secured Financing(Re: related document(s)4 Motion to Approve Debtor in Possession Financing filed by Alouette Holdings, Inc.) Hearing scheduled for 12/10/2019 at 02:00 PM at Judge Huennekens' Courtroom, 701 E. Broad St., Rm. 5000, Richmond, Virginia. (Stehle, Michelle)
Nov 24, 2019 15 Notice of LBR 1007-1 Deficiency (Re: related document(s) 3 LBR 1007-1, and/or 1007-3, and/or 3015 Case Filing/Plan Deficiency) (Admin.) (Filed: 11/23/2019)
Nov 25, 2019 16 BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)13 Order on Motion to Expedite Hearing) (Admin.) (Filed: 11/24/2019)
Nov 25, 2019 17 BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)14 Order Continuing/Rescheduling/Setting Hearing) (Admin.) (Filed: 11/24/2019)
Nov 25, 2019 18 BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)12 Order of Designation) (Admin.) (Filed: 11/24/2019)
Nov 25, 2019 19 Notice of Appearance filed by William Edward Callahan Jr. of Gentry Locke Rakes & Moore on behalf of Kituwah, LLC. (Callahan, William)
Nov 25, 2019 20 Request for Notice of Meeting of Creditors. 341 meeting to be held on 12/19/2019 at 03:00 PM at Office of the U.S. Trustee, 701 East Broad St., Suite 4300, Richmond, Virginia. Proof of Claims due by 3/18/2020. Complaint for Determination of Dischargeability of Debt due by 2/18/2020. (Stehle, Michelle)
Nov 26, 2019 21 Motion to Extend Time to File Lists, Schedules and/or Statements with Notice of Hearing, filed by Brandy M. Rapp of Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP on behalf of Alouette Holdings, Inc.. Hearing scheduled for 12/10/2019 at 02:00 PM at Judge Huennekens' Courtroom, 701 E. Broad St., Rm. 5000, Richmond, Virginia. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order # 2 Notice of Motion) (Rapp, Brandy)
Show 10 more entries
Dec 9, 2019 32 Notice of Appearance filed by Craig Ivan Kelley of Kelley, Fulton & Kaplan, P.L. on behalf of Systems Constructed Development, Inc..(Kelley, Craig)
Dec 9, 2019 33 Notice of Appearance filed by Craig Ivan Kelley of Kelley, Fulton & Kaplan, P.L. on behalf of Lujema, LLC.(Kelley, Craig)
Dec 9, 2019 34 Certificate of Service (Re: related document(s)28 Order Continuing/Rescheduling/Setting Hearing) filed by Michael E. Hastings of Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP on behalf of Alouette Holdings, Inc.. (Hastings, Michael)
Dec 10, 2019 35 Hearing held; Motion GRANTED (Re: related document(s)21 Motion to Extend Time to File Lists, Schedules and/or Statements filed by Alouette Holdings, Inc.) Appearance: Brandy Rapp. (Oliver, Betty)
Dec 10, 2019 36 Supplemental Notice of Appearance (Amended) (Re: related document(s)30 Notice of Appearance filed by Kituwah, LLC) filed by William Edward Callahan Jr. of Gentry Locke Rakes & Moore on behalf of Kituwah, LLC. (Callahan, William)
Dec 10, 2019 37 Notice of Appearance filed by Robert A. Canfield of Canfield, Wells & Kruck, LLP on behalf of Benson Howard. (Canfield, Robert)
Dec 10, 2019 38 Hearing held; Motion GRANTED (Re: related document(s)4 Motion to Approve Debtor in Possession Financing filed by Alouette Holdings, Inc.) Appearances: Michael Hastings for Debtor; Robert Van Arsdale for Office of U.S. Trustee; Michael Condyles for Newtek Small Business Finance LLC; John Small for Kituwah LLC., Robert Canfield for Benson Howard; Jed Donaldson for Vance Construction Inc. (Oliver, Betty)
Dec 12, 2019 39 Final Order Authorizing The Debtor Alouette Holdings, Inc. To Obtain Post-Petition, Secured Financing. (Related Doc # 4) (Stehle, Michelle)
Dec 15, 2019 40 BNC certificate of mailing of order (Re: related document(s)39 Order on Motion to Approve Debtor in Possession Financing) (Admin.) (Filed: 12/14/2019)
Dec 19, 2019 41 Affidavit of Service (Re: related document(s)39 Order on Motion to Approve Debtor in Possession Financing) filed by Brandy M. Rapp of Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP on behalf of Alouette Holdings, Inc.. (Rapp, Brandy)

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Case Information

Virginia Eastern Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Kevin R. Huennekens
Nov 20, 2019
Oct 4, 2022
Sep 13, 2023
Last checked
Feb 13, 2020
Lead case
Cardinal Homes, Inc.

Associated Cases


    Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.
    Benson Howard
    Bret and Dorathy Berneche
    Burnette & Sneed CPAs LLC
    Capital One
    Cardinal Homes, Inc
    Charlotte-County Treasurer
    Citibank Customer Service
    Kituwah, LLC
    NewTek Small Business Finance
    P.O. Box 6500
    PIRs Capital LLC
    Raffles Insurance Ltd
    Raffles Insurance Ltd
    There are 4 more creditors. Subscribe now or purchase this single case to see the full creditors list.



    Alouette Holdings, Inc.
    307 Palomino Road
    Buffalo Junction, VA 24529
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx9139

    Represented By

    Michael E. Hastings
    Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP
    Two James Center
    1021 E Cary Street, Suite 1700
    Richmond, VA 23219
    Fax : 540-759-3569
    Email: mhastings@wtplaw.com
    Brandy M. Rapp
    Whiteford Taylor & Preston LLP
    10 S. Jefferson Street
    Suite 1110
    Roanoke, VA 24011
    (540) 759-3577
    Fax : (540) 759-3567
    Email: brapp@wtplaw.com

    Debtor Designee

    Bret A. Berneche
    307 Palomino Road
    Buffalo Junction, VA 24529-2424

    U.S. Trustee

    John P. Fitzgerald, III
    Office of the US Trustee - Region 4 -R
    701 E. Broad Street, Ste. 4304
    Richmond, VA 23219

    Represented By

    Shannon Pecoraro
    Office of the U.S. Trustee
    701 East Broad Street, Suite 4304
    Richmond, VA 23219
    (804) 771-2319
    Fax : (804) 771-2330
    Email: Shannon.pecoraro@usdoj.gov
    Robert B. Van Arsdale
    Office of the U. S. Trustee
    701 East Broad Street, Suite 4304
    Richmond, VA 23219
    Fax : 804-771-2330
    Email: Robert.B.Van.Arsdale@usdoj.gov
    TERMINATED: 01/09/2020
    Kenneth N. Whitehurst, III
    Office of the U. S. Trustee
    200 Granby Street, 625 Federal Building
    Norfolk, VA 23510
    Email: kenneth.n.whitehurst@usdoj.gov

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