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1629 Reeves, LLC

California Central Bankruptcy Court
Voluntary / 11V





Last Checked







Last Updated
Jun 4, 2024
Last Entry Filed
Jun 3, 2024

Docket Entries by Week of Year

May 30 1 Petition Chapter 11 Subchapter V Voluntary Petition Non-Individual. Fee Amount $1738 Filed by 1629 Reeves, LLC Chapter 11 Plan Small Business Subchapter V Due by 08/28/2024. (Kreis, John) (Entered: 05/30/2024)
May 30 Receipt of Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11)( 2:24-bk-14283) [misc,volp11] (1738.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number A56925584. Fee amount 1738.00. (re: Doc# 1) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 05/30/2024)
May 31 2 Notice of Amendment to Voluntary Petition Filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC. (Kreis, John) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 3 Notice to Filer of Error and/or Deficient Document Other - ** Document filed with interactive fields the Filer must "flatten" the PDF before re-uploading the document in CM/ECF. Please refer to instructions under the "Forms" section of the Court's website on how to "flatten" a PDF. FILER REQUIRED TO IMMEDIATELY REFILE FLATTENED VOLUNTARY PETITION Related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 4 Notice to Filer of Error and/or Deficient Document Other - ** All documents related to taxes must be filed separate and with their own docket no. using the "Tax Document" event code ** PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE TAX DOCUMENTS IN THE PETITION AND RE-FILE SEPERATE USING THE TAX DOCUMENT EVENT CODE. (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 5 Notice to Filer of Error and/or Deficient Document Other - ** Form 9036-1.1 Debtor's Request to Activate Electronic Noticing MUST BE FILED SEPERATE AND WTIH ITS OWN DOCKET NO. USING ITS OWN EVENT CODE - Bankruptcy Events BK - Other> Debtor's Request to Activate Electronic Noticing (DeBN) (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 Set Case Commencement Deficiency Deadlines (ccdn) (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) Corporate Resolution Authorizing Filing of Petition due 6/13/2024. (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 Set Case Commencement Deficiency Deadlines (def/deforco) (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) List of Equity Security Holders due 6/13/2024. Incomplete Filings due by 6/13/2024. (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 6 Case Commencement Deficiency Notice (BNC) (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)
May 31 7 Notice of Case Deficiency Under 11 U.S.C. Sec. 521(a)(1) and Bankruptcy Rule 1007 (BNC) (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor 1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.) (NV) (Entered: 05/31/2024)

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Case Information

California Central Bankruptcy Court
Case number
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Neil W. Bason
May 30, 2024
Sep 1, 2024
Last checked
Jun 4, 2024

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    Allen Sokol
    Claudine Sokol
    JMAC Lending
    Lawrence Feigen
    Logan Investments
    Los Angeles County Tax Collector
    State Board of Equalization



    1629 Reeves, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Co.
    369 South Doheny Dr., Suite 411
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211
    Tax ID / EIN: xx-xxx2332
    aka Reeves Primary Residence, LLC, a Michigan Limited Liability Company

    Represented By

    John P Kreis
    1000 Wilshire Blvd
    Suite 570
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
    Fax : 213-330-0258
    Email: jkreis@kreislaw.com

    U.S. Trustee

    United States Trustee (LA)
    915 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1850
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
    (213) 894-6811

    Represented By

    Dare Law
    Office of the United States Trustee
    915 Wilshire Blvd.
    Suite 1850
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
    Fax : 213-894-2603
    Email: dare.law@usdoj.gov

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