Oct 12, 2011 13 Application to Employ Kurtzman Carson Consultants, LLC as Noticing Agent Outside the Ordinary Course of Business Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section 363(b); Memorandum of Points and Authorities With Proof of Service Filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation (Smiley, Evan) (Entered: 10/12/2011) Oct 12, 2011 14 Declaration re: of Keith Lynaugh In Support of Debtor's Emergency Motions With Proof of Service Filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation (RE: related document(s)6 Emergency motion For Order Authorizing Payment and Honoring (1) Prepetition Payroll Obligations; and (2) Employee gas Expense Account System; Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Declaration of Keith Lynaugh Filed Concurrently Herewith With Proof of, 7 Motion to Use Cash Collateral (Emergency Motion) and (2) Compelling Turnover of Estate Funds; Memorandum of Points and Authorities; and Declarations of Brian Weiss and Robert C. Richey in Support With Proof of Service, 8 Emergency motion for Order Expressly Granting Administrative Priority Status to Claims for Orders Placed Prepetition and Delivered Postpetition; Memorandum of Points and Authorities With Proof of Service, 9 Emergency motion for Order Establishing Procedures For the Treatment of Reclamation Claims Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Sections 546(c) and 105(a); Memorandum of Points and Authorities; Declaration of Keith Lynaugh Filed Concurrently Herewith With Proof of, 10 Motion for Continuation of Utility Service and Approval of Adequate Assurance of Payment to Utility Company Under Section 366(b) (2) Deeming Utilities Adequately Assured of Future Performance; and (3) Establishing Procedures for Determining Adequate, 11 Emergency motion for Order Limiting Notice of Certain Matters Requiring Notice to Creditors Pursuant to Rules 2002 and 9007 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure; Memorandum of Points and Authorities; and Declaration of David A. Lee in Suppor, 12 Emergency motion For Order Authorizing Continued Use of Two Prepetition bank Accounts; Memorandum of Points and Authorities With Proof of Service, 13 Application to Employ Kurtzman Carson Consultants, LLC as Noticing Agent Outside the Ordinary Course of Business Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Section 363(b); Memorandum of Points and Authorities With Proof of Service). (Smiley, Evan) (Entered: 10/12/2011) Oct 13, 2011 15 Request for courtesy Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) Filed by J Alexandra Rhim on behalf of Courtesy NEF. (Rhim, J) (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 16 Notice NOTICE OF ERRATA REGARDING DEBTOR'S EMERGENCY MOTION FOR ORDER (1) AUTHORIZING USE OF CASH COLLATERAL, AND (2) COMPELLING TURNOVER OF ESTATE FUNDS; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES Filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation (RE: related document(s)7 Motion to Use Cash Collateral ). (Andrassy, Kyra) (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 17 Notice to Filer of Correction Made/No Action Required: Debtor(s) name and/or alias has been entered to reflect the PDF. THE COURT HAS CORRECTED THIS INFORMATION. THIS ENTRY IS PROVIDED FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Other - Case not deficient for Exhibit A and Statistical Summary. Tax ID has been entered to reflect the PDF. THIS ENTRY IS PROVIDED FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. (RE: related document(s)1 Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11) filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation) (Aguilar, Arleen) (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 18 Order Scheduling Emergency Motions - Motion for; 1) Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral, and 2) Compelling Turnover of Estate Funds Related #7; Motion for; 1) Prepetition Payroll Obligations, and 2) Emplyee Gas Expense Account System Related #6 - The Hering will be held on October 14, 2011 at 2:00 P.M. - Motion for; Administrative Priority, Cash Management, Notice Limiting, Reclamation and Utilities Related #'s 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 - The hearing will be held on November 1, 2011 at 1:00 P.M. Crtm 302. See order for details(I, deputy clerk, who is making this entry, certify that service on all parties under section II was completed, Gooch, Yvonne) Signed on 10/13/2011 (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)6 Emergency motion filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation) The Hearing date is set for 10/14/2011 at 02:00 PM at Crtrm 302, 3420 Twelfth St., Riverside, CA 92501. The case judge is Wayne E. Johnson (Gooch, Yvonne) (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)7 Motion to Use Cash Collateral filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation) The Hearing date is set for 10/14/2011 at 02:00 PM at Crtrm 302, 3420 Twelfth St., Riverside, CA 92501. The case judge is Wayne E. Johnson (Gooch, Yvonne) (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)8 Emergency motion filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation) The Hearing date is set for 11/1/2011 at 1:00 PM at Crtrm 302 Twelfth St., Riverside, CA 92501 The case judge is Wayne E. Johnson (Gooch, Yvonne) (Entered: 10/13/11) (Entered: 10/13/2011) Oct 13, 2011 Hearing Set (RE: related document(s)9 Emergency motion filed by Debtor RCR Plumbing and Mechanical, Inc., a California corporation) The Hearing date is set for 11/1/2011 at 01:00 PM at Crtrm 302, 3420 Twelfth St., Riverside, CA 92501. The case judge is Wayne E. Johnson (Gooch, Yvonne) (Entered: 10/13/2011)