Jul 30, 2015
Notice of Deficiency of Filing Fees Required to Add Additional Creditors (BNC) (RE: related document(s)18 Schedule A (Official Form B6A) - Real Property filed by Debtor NR SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, INC. d/b/a XEEX COMMUNICATIONS, Declaration Concerning Debtor's Schedules (Official Form B6), Schedule B (Official Form B6B) - Personal Property, Schedule C (Official Form B6C) - Property Claimed as Exempt, Schedule D (Official Form B6D) - Creditors Holding Secured Claims, Schedule E (Official Form B6E) - Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims, Schedule F (Official Form B6F) - Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims, Schedule G (Official Form B6G) - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases, Schedule H (Official Form B6H) - Codebtors) (Evangelista, Maria) (Entered: 07/30/2015)
Jul 30, 2015
Amendment to List of Creditors. w/proof of service Fee Amount $30 Filed by Debtor NR SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, INC. d/b/a XEEX COMMUNICATIONS. (Broidy, Alan) (Entered: 07/30/2015)
Jul 30, 2015
Receipt of Amended List of Creditors (Fee)(2:15-bk-21180-ER) [misc,amdcm] ( 30.00) Filing Fee. Receipt number 40493344. Fee amount 30.00. (re: Doc# 23) (U.S. Treasury) (Entered: 07/30/2015)
Jul 30, 2015
Declaration Re: Electronic Filing SUMMARY OF AMENDED SCHEDULES, MASTER MAILING LIST, AND/OR STATEMENTS [LBR 1007-1(c)] Filed by Debtor NR SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, INC. d/b/a XEEX COMMUNICATIONS. (Broidy, Alan) (Entered: 07/30/2015)
Aug 1, 2015
BNC Certificate of Notice (RE: related document(s)22 Notice of Deficiency of Filing Fees Required to Add Additional Creditors (BNC)) No. of Notices: 1. Notice Date 08/01/2015. (Admin.) (Entered: 08/01/2015)
Aug 21, 2015
Continuance of Meeting of Creditors (Rule 2003(e)) (Trustee's 341 Filings) 341(a) Meeting Continued to be held on 10/01/15 at 09:00 AM at RM 4, 915 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017. (Gonzalez (TR), Rosendo) (Entered: 08/21/2015)
Aug 21, 2015
Notice of continued meeting of creditors and appearance of debtor (11 USC 341(a)) Filed by. (Gonzalez (TR), Rosendo) (Entered: 08/21/2015)
Sep 21, 2015
Notice of Appearance and Request for Notice Filed by Creditor International Business Machines Credit LLC (ICC) . (Evangelista, Maria) (Entered: 09/21/2015)
Oct 7, 2015
Continuance of Meeting of Creditors (Rule 2003(e)) (Trustee's 341 Filings) 341(a) Meeting Continued to be held on 11/20/15 at 10:00 AM at RM 4, 915 Wilshire Blvd., 10th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Debtor appeared. (Gonzalez (TR), Rosendo) (Entered: 10/07/2015)
Oct 7, 2015
Notice of continued meeting of creditors and appearance of debtor (11 USC 341(a)) Filed by. (Gonzalez (TR), Rosendo) (Entered: 10/07/2015)