Dec 14, 2020 10 Order Granting Motion For Joint Administration on Lead Case 0:20-bk-23495 with Member Case 0:2020-bk-23504-SMG. (Re: # 7) (Ramos-White, Madeline) (Entered: 12/14/2020) Dec 14, 2020 12 Amended Order Granting Motion for Joint Administration. (Re: 7 Motion for Joint Administration filed by Debtor American Medical Depot Holdings, LLC, 10 Order on Motion For Joint Administration). (Ramos-White, Madeline) (Entered: 12/14/2020) Dec 16, 2020 13 Order Authorizing Debtor in Possession to Continue Operation of its Business, Close Pre-Petition Bank Accounts, and Open Debtor in Possession Bank Accounts . (Ramos-White, Madeline) (Entered: 12/16/2020) Dec 17, 2020 14 BNC Certificate of Mailing (Re: 8 Notice of Incomplete Filings Due. Required Chapter 11 Case Management Summary. Chapter 11 debtors (other than individuals not engaged in business) must file Local Form "Chapter 11 Case Management Summary" on the earlier of three business days after the petition date, or one business day before the first scheduled hearing on any motion. [See Local Rule 20811(B)]. Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information due 12/28/2020. Schedule A/B due 12/28/2020. Schedule D due 12/28/2020. Schedule E/F due 12/28/2020. Schedule G due 12/28/2020. Schedule H due 12/28/2020.Statement of Financial Affairs Due 12/28/2020.Declaration Concerning Debtors Schedules Due: 12/28/2020. [Incomplete Filings due by 12/28/2020].) Notice Date 12/16/2020. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/17/2020) Dec 17, 2020 15 Notice of Appearance and Request for Service by J. Steven Wilkes Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the US Trustee. (Wilkes, J.) (Entered: 12/17/2020) Dec 19, 2020 16 BNC Certificate of Mailing (Re: 13 Order Authorizing Debtor in Possession to Continue Operation of its Business, Close Pre-Petition Bank Accounts, and Open Debtor in Possession Bank Accounts .) Notice Date 12/18/2020. (Admin.) (Entered: 12/19/2020) Dec 31, 2020 17 Initial Schedules Filed: [Summary of Your Assets/Liabilities,Schedule A/B,Schedule D,Schedule E/F,Schedule G,Schedule H,] Filed by Debtor American Medical Depot Holdings, LLC. (Attachments: # 1 Local Form 4) (Rubens, Robin) (Entered: 12/31/2020) Dec 31, 2020 18 Declaration Concerning Schedules Conforming to Official Bankruptcy Form 106 or 202 Filed by Debtor American Medical Depot Holdings, LLC (Re: 17 Schedules and Statements Filed filed by Debtor American Medical Depot Holdings, LLC). (Rubens, Robin) (Entered: 12/31/2020) Dec 31, 2020 19 Initial Schedules Filed: [Statement of Financial Affairs,] Filed by Debtor American Medical Depot Holdings, LLC. (Rubens, Robin) (Entered: 12/31/2020) Jan 8, 2021 20 Meeting of Creditors Held and Concluded. Filed by U.S. Trustee Office of the US Trustee. (Wilkes, J.) (Entered: 01/08/2021)